You have all the answers you need inside you. It’s called innate health. Think about the times you listened – or did not listen – to your ‘gut’ … and your gut was right! Life has a way of handing us challenges that interfere with our ability to tap into that innate health and we begin to doubt ourselves. The amazing thing about the human capacity for resilience is that we have inside us what we need to live full, powerful lives. I use curiosity, empathy and total belief that my clients have what it takes to succeed. I act as the tool that can help you learn how to reconnect with your own power. I do not judge; I will not advise. I use deep listening skills that I’ve honed over many years of working with people to unlock your innate health and reestablish your hidden power.
As your Coach, I will help you tap into your internal power through a process that is objective and non-judgmental. Together, we will tease the answers out that are already there, inside you. I don’t have your answers, you have them…perhaps you don’t feel that right now, but together we will uncover and re-discover your truth through powerful questions and effective listening on my part, and open-minded engagement and reflections on your part.
What Is A Coach?
- Client Centered (it’s not about me, it’s about you)
- Motivational (helps you reach your full potential)
- Non-Judgmental (my opinion is not important, yours is!)
- Constructive, uplifting, encouraging
- Sees you as your own best resource
- Holds you accountable to yourself
- Supportive
Coaching helps you get “un-stuck”
- A guide who helps you find your own answers.
- Struggling with a transition—career choice, moving, retirement or post-retirement “what to do”
- Frustrated and need clarity about a situation?
- Need to find time for you (without feeling guilty)?
Sometimes we get frustrated when we can’t seem to make a firm decision. In short, we feel stuck.

Coaching Rates
Complimentary introductory session to make sure we are a good fit and have a conversation of what you want to achieve through coaching. Can be up to one hour.
Coaching one hour session: $100.00
Coaching package – three hour-long sessions: $275.00 (Can be spread out weekly or bi-weekly)
Coaching Package – six hour-long sessions: $550.00 (Can be spread out weekly or bi-weekly)
Longer term packages can be arranged as appropriate.
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