Tailored to fit the needs of your team members.
What clients have said:
This was really valuable to the team; I feel we have a good place to start from now.
Thank you so much for your time and thought process into these classes. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to participate
When asked 'what would you say to someone who is considering using my services'? The client responded - Don’t think about it, do it! Vivian is a hardworking Coach. She will help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
Have you been curious about group retreats but prefer introspection and reflection without a group? Try a One-on-One or Very Small Group retreat.
Small groups can consist of a few friends, sisters, etc. (approx. 4 participants).
Benefits of working with a life coach
Working with a life coach can be one of the greatest investments you’ll ever make. The benefit of expert guidance to help you determine and reach your goals or discover a more purposeful life path, cannot be ignored. But there are several other invaluable and often unacknowledged benefits to life coaching. Here are some of the most significant:
Life coaches help you discover the real you
You may feel frustrated with your life but not know why. One of the great benefits of working with a life coach is that they hold space for you to explore your frustrations and fears without the noise and pressure of the outside world telling you what you should be thinking, wanting, and doing. This can help you discover a better sense of yourself, your gifts and skills, and enable you to truly focus in on what your true passions and purpose in life are.

Life coaches *listen*
Having someone listen to you is a powerful affirmation of your value and needs. Sure, you can always turn to your best pal or partner when you’re feeling stuck in some area of your life. But most of us feel uncomfortable if we’re constantly stacking our issues onto loved ones’ shoulders. In a life coaching session, however, a coach listens deeply to what you’re saying and uses open, catalytic questions to help you gain clarity around what it is you want and the steps you need to take to achieve it. In doing so they give you something of exceptional value: time and an opportunity to really be heard.
What's Up With The Owls?

I love the symbolism of the Owl. In my neighborhood I’ve watched three generations of Great Horned Owls raise their young. I feel a special connection to these Amazing creatures and am thrilled each time I see or hear one. I purposefully take a short walk most evenings to see one atop my house or one of my neighbors’ rooftops. Early in the morning I don’t always see them, but hear their moving communications.
The owl is symbolic for many cultures throughout time: Greek, Roman, Mayan, Chinese, Egyptian, Native American and Scandinavian all consider the Owl a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, wealth, happiness and protection. The “wise owl” is also linked to intuition, the ability of seeing with deep perception; helping others to see what they sometimes cannot see for themselves.
While the Owl has sometimes been interpreted to symbolize death, this translates more toward transition or change. The symbolism does not mean physical death, but the death of old habits, the desire to let go of something that no longer serves you or advances your happiness. Owls often explore new territory to discover more productive hunting grounds. Like the owl, we have to explore and find the confidence to leave our comfort zone, be willing to accept new adventures and challenges and leave the old habits that keep us stuck behind.
Join me to explore your new opportunities through coaching or retreats.
A wise old owl sat in an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can’t we be like that wise old bird?
Edward Hersey Richards