This was really valuable to the team
I feel we have a good place to start from now.
It was invaluable. Thank you!
What motivated you to consider working with me? Your vibrant personality, training, education and years of experience.
What do you feel you achieved as a result? Greater outreach, better outcomes.
What would you say to someone who is considering using my services? Don’t think about it, do it! Vivian is a hardworking Coach. She will help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
What value would you place on our work together—monetary, personal, professional or other?
Learned to have positive conversation, even when upset.
My husband and I practice going through the negative thinking [exercise] to have a positive conversation, even when upset.
Extraordinary experience!
Thank you so much for your time!
Thank you so much for your time and thought process into these classes. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to participate.
Created a new way of viewing my attitude
Vision board and the over generalization session [cognitive distortions] created a new way of viewing my attitude.
Group stayed balanced and on topic.
You allowed the class to develop some of its own flow and directions as it progressed while still staying balanced and on topic.
Great Experience!
All [materials we covered] were very helpful in many different ways. All got me to be in the moment & think about what I was doing and where I was going. Partners [peers in group] had great input and insights as well.